Fitness Test

Take a fitness test at our partner gyms and earn up to 1,500 AIA Vitality points/membership year.

Know your fitness level by taking a fitness test at our partner gyms (even if you are not a fitness member) for FREE. Earn up to 1,500 AIA Vitality Points if your results are in the healthy range.

Fitness test includes:
• Fitness assessment
• Body Mass Index
• Blood pressure
• Body fat percentage
Points earn 750 AIA Vitality points for taking the Fitness Test and an additional 750 AIA Vitality points if the results are within the healthy range. You may also earn up to 3,000 AIA Vitality Points from Basic Health Screening for BMI and blood pressure if you have not submitted the results within the membership year.
Frequency once per membership year
Claim points within 6 months
Document Your test results from our partner gym with your full name, date, and place of assessment.

3 steps to claim points from fitness test

How to claim points from Fitness Test